AmeriCorps GED Program | Sitting Bull College

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AmeriCorps GED Program

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Your World. Your Chance to Make it Better.

AmeriCorps State and National provides grants to a broad network of public and nonprofit organizations that sponsor AmeriCorps service programs around the country, including hundreds of faith and community based organizations, Indian Tribes, institutions of higher education, and public agencies. AmeriCorps programs operating solely within a single state must apply to receive grant funding from the state’s Governor-appointed State Service Commission. AmeriCorps programs operating in two or more states or AmeriCorps programs sponsored by Indian Tribes apply to receive grant funding directly from the Corporation for National and Community Service. Grants provide assistance to programs to recruit, train and supervise AmeriCorps members meeting critical community needs in the areas of: education, disaster services, health, environmental stewardship, economic opportunity and service to veterans and military families.


The purpose of AmeriCorps State and National is to engage AmeriCorps members in direct service and capacity-building to address critical community needs. The grant applicant designs service activities for a team of members serving full- or part-time for one year or during the summer. Sample activities include tutoring and mentoring youth, providing job placement assistance to unemployed individuals, addressing childhood obesity through in-school and after-school physical activities, and weatherizing and retrofitting housing units for low-income households. AmeriCorps members also mobilize community volunteers and strengthen the capacity of the organizations where they serve.
The entities that receive grants are responsible for recruiting, selecting, and supervising AmeriCorps members to serve in their programs.

For Organizations

National service helps your organization implement those projects or ideas that require special funding or assistance. Through programs and grants, the Corporation for National and Community Service provides human capital—people power—to help you address emerging needs in your community. Each year, national and community service participants and grantees recruit hundreds of thousands of volunteers, who donate millions of hours of service to their communities.

To apply to be an AmeriCorps Member:  My AmeriCorps - Registration

To apply for a SBC Academic Coach opportunity AFTER member registration:  
My AmeriCorps - Home Page

AmeriCorps Fact Sheet

AmeriCorps State and National

Those interested in pursuing their GED certification please call the GED office in Fort Yates at 701-854-8043 for an appointment.   Mobridge site 605-845-3206.  Program orientation and pretests are by appointment only.
The GED Project is utilizing a web-based GED prep program that will allow students to work from home.

Official GED testing days are scheduled for alternating Wednesdays at the Fort Yates campus.  There are no scheduled tutoring appointments on testing day at the Fort Yates campus.


Online Form(s)

Application Forms
GED Student Applicatoin
Privacy Reduction Act Information

Early Testing Forms
Application for Early GED Testing
Early Testing Recommendation Form

GED Score request Forms (Official & Unofficial)
SBC Request for UNOFFICIAL Scores
North Dakota OFFICIAL GED Transcript Request

Completed applications can be emailed, faxed, and/or submitted to:
Sitting Bull College GED Program
Attention: GED Director
9299 Highway 24
Fort Yates, ND 58538

FAQ’s Pre-Testing

  1. Who do I contact to begin the GED Process?
    A. Sitting Bull College requires that students prepare for the GED Exam first by PRETESTING. Pretesting can be done at the GED offices at the Sitting Bull College campus in Fort Yates or SBC sites in Mobridge. Please call the SBC College sites at 701-854-8043 or  605-845-3206 for information on GED services in your community.
  2. What is the difference between Pre-testing and Official Testing?
    A. Pre-testing is available for anyone that needs or wants preparation for the Official GED Tests. The pre-tests gauge the academic level of the student in relation to the level needed to pass an official GED exam.

    Official GED tests are the actual exams sanctioned by the state given by certified official testers and are separate from pre-testing.
  3. Does a student have to go through the Pre-testing process in order to take the Official tests?
    A. Yes. In order to be able to take the official exams with NO COST at SBC, a student must be referred from the SBC pre-testing center.  A student must complete a pre-testing program before they can be recommended to take the Official GED tests at the Sitting Bull College Official Testing Site for free.
  4. How old do I need to be in order to begin the GED tests?
    A. Minimum Age for Testing in North Dakota: 16. However, students under 18 will need to provide a recommendation from the last high school he/she attended, a parent/guardian consent letter, letter from the student requesting to take GED testing, and complete the Reasoning through the Language Arts official GED pretest. This courtesy insures that the student is making the best decision for his/her educational goal.
  5. How many tests are there in the GED?
    The GED® has four content areas: 
Reasoning Through the Language Arts
Social Studies

*A maximum of 2 official tests may be taken on any testing day*

GED Students, please remember:

The GED Official Exam is a equivalency program that takes time and hard work to complete.

We are mandated by the federal government to follow strict guidelines when testing.

Please understand that these strict guidelines help Sitting Bull College ensure that completion of a valid GED® is something important in your life!

SBC – Sitting Bull College
ABE – Adult Basic Education
GED – General Educational Development

GED Tutor Application

Are you interested in being an Academic Coach or Tutor with the Sitting Bull College GED Program? 
Academic Coach Job Description

As the Coach position is through the AmeriCorps program, you must first register to become an AmeriCorps member.

To apply to be an AmeriCorps Member:  My AmeriCorps - Registration

To apply for a SBC Academic Coach opportunity AFTER member registration:  
My AmeriCorps - Home Page will take you to our position opportunity